Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Hulk's Music

Hulk's friend Cap tell Hulk about this song.

Now Hulk have song stuck in head.


  1. Thanks alot, Hulk. Now I'm gonna be singing this song the rest of the day. Just great.

  2. When Captain America sows his mighty field
    All weeds who choose to oppose his field must yield!
    He'll rake and he'll weed,
    He'll till and he'll hoe,
    Waiting for his plants to grow grow grow
    When Captain America sows his mighty field!

  3. LOL, that's awesome Spidey!

  4. Haha, good one Spidey! How bout this:

    When Captain America throws his mighty punch
    All those who choose to oppose his punch go CRUNCH
    He'll hit you and pummel you until you're dead
    He'll pound your nose through the back of your head
    When Captain america throws his mighty punch!

  5. Johann Schmidt, The Red SkullNovember 15, 2011 at 1:38 PM

    It's not THAT mighty.

  6. Oh yeah, then how come you don't have a nose anymore?

  7. When Captain America eats his mighty lunch
    All those who choose to oppose his lunch get punched!
    His PB&J, his soda and chips,
    And his American carrot sticks
    When Captain America eats his mighty lunch!

  8. Haha, very funny soldiers. You have to admit that it's a pretty swell song, though.

  9. Ah, what do these young whippersnappers know about theme songs, Cap?

  10. Indeed, Cap, your theme song is almost as mighty as my own.

  11. Hey, Cap, want to do an ad?

    When Captain America bought his shield from Stark
    He bought the special one that glows in the dark
    In brightest day, in darkest night
    No evil could escape his sight
    When Captain America bought his shield from Stark!

  12. But I didn't buy my shield from Stark.

  13. Hal Jordan, Green LanternNovember 15, 2011 at 2:09 PM

    Hey! Wait a minute - that's my song, Tony!

  14. It's not my fault - Jarvis made it up.

  15. Oh right, Tony, blame Jarvis.

  16. Don't feel offended, Cap; imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. Parodies of your song indicate a wish that other theme songs were as good. Oh,and BTW:

    When Captain America's mighty muscles flex
    All other heroes get an inferiority complex
    Except for the Hulk and maybe the Thing
    And probably Thor for his father's a king
    When Captain America's mighty muscles flex!

  17. Oh, by the way, Hulk, what happened to that CD of classical music I gave you?

  18. Hal Jordan, Green LanternNovember 16, 2011 at 1:33 PM

    When the Green Lantern wields his mighty ring
    All those who choose to oppose him feel its sting!
    In brightest day, in darkest night
    No evil shall escape his sight
    When the Green Lantern wields his mighty ring!!!

  19. Get your own theme song, Hal!

  20. Red Hulk is the strongest one there , and red hulk gonna smash u all !

  21. Hi, Thaddeus. It's been a while since I've seen you in therapy.

  22. No Hulk strongest one there is!


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