Hulk tagged by Spidophile. Hulk answer questions.
If you could pick a different name for yourself, what would it be?
Hulk like Hulk's name. But maybe Hulk want to be named Fred.
What kind of comedy do you like better: slapstick or wit?
Hulk like to slap sticks! Evil sticks!
Who is your favorite movie villain?
Hulk like Frankenstein's monster. He misunderstood, like Hulk.
Where do you want to be ten years from now?
Hulk could go around the world twice in a week. But in ten years, Hulk be in Canada.
Where would you rather vacation: Tatooine or Rivendell?
Hulk go to Tatooine and make sand castles.
If you had to choose between acting class or judo lessons, you would pick...
Hulk crush puny judo instructors. So Hulk take acting.
Would you ever join the army?
Hulk better than army. Ask Iron Man.
What would you do if you only had a month to live?
Bruce Banner work on antidote. One month is enough time.
You're taking a walk. Do you admire the colors of the foliage as you pass a tree, glue your eyes to the sidewalk, spend the whole time chatting with your friend on your iPhone?
Neither. Hulk smash!
If you could have any pet (including fantasy creatures) what would it be and what would you name it?
Hulk want pony named Pony.
Do you follow more than eight blogs?
Hulk follow Superhero of the Month.