Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hulk knits!

Hulk excited about Christmas! Hulk knit Santa costume for self so Hulk can give presents to self. You be good or Santa Hulk SMASH!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Upcoming: Psychology of a Superhero

Bruce Banner here with an announcement:
Starting 2012  my psychiatrist, Dr. Leonard Samson, will be doing a monthly guest post titled "Psychology of a Superhero" in which he explores the motivations behind the actions of some of his past super-powered patients. If you'd like to be featured, or if you have a question for the Doctor, email me at Include the phrase "Ask Doc Samson" in the subject line. Hulk Blog reserves the right not to publish any questions it deems unsuitable or irrelevant.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Hulk's Music

Hulk's friend Cap tell Hulk about this song.

Now Hulk have song stuck in head.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Hulk Rakes!

Hulk rake leaves for therapy.

Hulk use Hammer Industries rake. Puny rake break.

Tony give Hulk a Stark Industries rake.

Hulk rake!

Torch start burning leaves. Hulk tell Torch to go away!

Claw tell Hulk to jump in leaf pile.

Hulk smash leaf pile! Bury Claw. Haha!

Now Hulk have to rake leaves again.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Hulk's costume party!

Hulk have costume party.

All Hulk's friends come.

Hulk is Harry Potter.

Hulk's friend rockman is Ron Weasley. Silver Surfer come as Voldemort. Hulk smash Voldemort!

Hammer sing for party. He sound bad.

Tony come as Caesar. Web-head come as ghost.

Claw and Cyclops come as pirates. Claw and Cyclops fight. No fighting at Hulk's party! Cyclops say he sorry. Claw not apologize.

Cap come as Uncle Sam.

Hawkeye come as Robin Hood.

Torch come as himself. Tony disapprove.

Hulk give costume prize to superhero who come as Green Lantern.

Hero say he actually Green Lantern. Cap say "That's un-American!"

But Hulk say all superheroes invited to Hulk's party!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Distinguishing Gamma Rays From X-Rays

Article by leading Gamma Radiation expert, Dr. Bruce Banner:

In 1896, just a year after Wilhelm Roentgen had discovered x-rays, the French physicist Henri Becquerel discovered a new kind of ray, quite similar to x-rays, but originating from uranium. He labeled it "metallic phosphorescence", while in actuality what he had observed was gamma radiation (being emitted by radium-226, a part of uranium decay). In 1900 the French chemist and physicist Paul Villard identified gamma radiation while studying the radiation produced by the substance radium. It was not until 1903, however, that Ernest Rutherford named the rays gamma rays, gamma being the third letter in the Greek alphabet, to distinguish it from the alpha and beta rays (thorium* and uranium, respectively) that he [Rutherford] had already discovered. 

The original distinction between x-rays and gamma rays was the wavelength. Radiation producing a wavelength below a number such as 10−11 m was labeled as gamma radiation, while radiation producing a wavelength above it was called an x-ray. However, as longer wavelength gamma radiation emitters were found, the distinction begin to overlap. Now they are distinguished primarily by their source; x-rays are emitted by the electron fields outside the nucleus, while gamma rays originate in the nucleus itself. Both gamma rays and x-rays are part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

*Thorium is an element that the Swedish chemist Jons Jakob Berzelius named after Thor, the god of Thunder

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hulk eat!

Hulk use this to make cookies today. Work good. Hulk recommend.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Hulk Like!

Hulk like Harry Potter and It's Just Some Random Guy's movie staring Hulk's friends.

Hulk cook!

Hulk's friend Tony sell Hulk a barbecue. Hulk make hamburgers.

Hulk wear new apron that Hulk knit. Hulk cook!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Gamma Radiation Shielding

Article by leading Gamma Radiation expert, Dr. Bruce Banner:

I know from experience that exposure to gamma radiation can produce undesirable and unpredictable results. When working with gamma radiation, or any radiation, it's important to maintain secure radiation shielding.

There are three controlling factors of dosage from a radioactive source. These factors are time, distance, and shielding. The time of exposure reduces the dosage proportionally, while the distance from the source reduces it according to the inverse square law. Shielding reduces dosage by absorbing or scattering the radiation, thus reducing the radiation exposure level.  Due to the nature of gamma rays, nearly any material, if used in sufficient amounts, can be used as shielding from gamma rays. However, since greater energy requires greater shielding, which translates as greater thickness, the most practical material so far has been lead, largely due to its density.

Depleted uranium is also used, mainly for transporting gamma ray sources. The primary advantage of depleted uranium over lead is the bulk, since it is 68.4% denser than lead, thus requiring less material to create the shield. On a side note, depleted uranium is also weakly radioactive, albeit 40% less radioactive than uranium and primarily emits alpha particles which can be shielded by paper or skin.

No entirely satisfactory solution has been found yet. For now, those working with radiation, either occupationally or medically, can be safest abiding by the ALARA rule: when working with radiation, use a dosage that's As Low As Reasonably Achievable.

Hulk friend

Hulk friend, rock man, come over today.

Rock man strong. Lift whole box of candy.

Brick in way. Rock man says he move it.

Hulk smash it.

Hulk and rock man build sandcastle.

Hulk smash it.

Rock man stay for lunch. Hulk has peanutbutter and jelly sandwich. Hulk not like the crust.

Hulk smash it.

Rock man go home.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Hulk eat!

Hulk need red head's giant ice cube for Hulk's drink. Red head said not ice cube but powerful cosmic cube. Hulk don't believe him and tried to get it but red head ran away. Hulk not happy.

Hulk smash popcorn instead of red head's face.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Hulk Like!

Hulk think Random Guy funny man. Hulk thinks you should watch.

Bruce here. If you don't follow the comic book universe closely, you may be confused about a few references in the clip. Hulk refers to "questionable cgi" in regards to the Green Lantern's mask in the movie. The Green Lantern counters with a jab at Chris Evans for playing both Johnny Storm in the Fantastic Four and the new Captain America. However, Deadpool sees the obvious irony of that statement and points it out to the Green Lantern. Ryan Reynolds played both the Green Lantern in the new film but had previously played Deadpool in X-Men.

Also, Deadpool is thought to be insane and is not part of the Avengers team. He is also quite easy to distract as evidenced by the phone tactic employed by Captain America.

I hope this clears up any confusion you may have experienced and helps you to enjoy the clip more.

Hulk fight!

Today Hulk fight claw. Claw fast. Claw fun to fight. Hulk like fighting claw.

Hulk smashed. Claw fell. Hulk won. Claw sore loser.

Hulk clean!

Hulk messy after eating spoomony. Hulk take bath. Hulk think bubbles tickle. Hulk splash!

Hulk turn off camera now. Hulk get dressed and go smash something.

Hulk fan!

Fan sent this foto to Hulk. Thanks Hulk fan!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hulk eat

Hulk eat spoomony today. Spoomony good. Hulk LIKE! Ice cream green like Hulk. Hulk not share. Hulk make mess. HAHAHAHAHA!!

Spoomony not popular. No one eat spoomony. Hulk eat ALL spoomony in the world!

Short-duration GRB's and Hypernovas

Article by leading gamma-ray expert,
Dr. Bruce Banner:

When exceptionally large stars collapse at the end of their lifespan, they produce a massive explosion known as a hypernova.  These explosions emit enormous amounts of high-energy radiation, which is typically referred to as long-duration gamma ray bursts, although the process is dissimilar to the normal process of radioactive decay (the range of the energy being well above 10TeV, an energy range exceeding the output of natural radioactive decay.)  It has been estimated that the emission of these gamma ray bursts (GRB) constitute the only single event with that much raw power thus far discovered in the cosmos. 

Though long-duration GRB's are emitted during hypernovas, it has been questioned whether hypernovas can account for short-duration GRB's, since these bursts seem to have no affiliation with massive stars, not appearing in places where such stars have just been formed. More recent studies have dismissed this link, and the question of the origin of short-duration gamma ray bursts is still open, although leading astronomers hypothesize that the mergers of binary neutron stars is a logical explanation for their appearance.

The giant flairs of soft gamma repeaters in nearby galaxies could also account for the appearance of at least a small portion of short-duration GRB's.

Hulk knit!

Hulk knit scarf. Hulk ready for winter. Hulk smash snowballs on Abomination's ugly head.

Hulk's first blog post

Hulk try to take picture of self.
Hulk don't do so well. Hulk arm in focus.
Hulk strong arm!

This is Hulk Blog. Hi. Hulk blogging for therapy. Hulk on internet now!!1 Hulk need bigger keyboard.

Hulk like to knit. Hulk will post knitting projects under tag Hulk knit!

Hulk will sometimes revert to his Bruce Banner persona. You will be able to discern between these changes by a shift in vocabulary, grammar, and font. This shift means that Hulk has calmed down due to nice feelings, classical music, or pleasant comments. When Bruce Banner reverts to his Hulk persona, it is usually due to feelings of anger, heavy metal, or lack of comments.

Hulk need comments! Hulk want comments! Give Hulk comments or Hulk Smash!

Hulk sorry. Hulk be nice to readers. Hulk not smash readers. Thank you for reading Hulk Blog.